

Eurecat is the main Research and Technology (RTO) centre in Catalonia (Spain) and the second largest private non-profit research organization in Southern Europe. Eurecat provides the industrial and business sector with differential technology, advanced expertise, and solutions to their innovation needs. The range of services offered by the centre are primarily focused on applied R+D+i, technological services, information technology consulting, highly specialized training, product and service development, and promotion and distribution of technological innovation. The centre brings together the experience of more than 700 professionals. Serving more than two thousand companies, which 71% are SMEs, Eurecat is involved in more than 150 H2020 and Horizon Europe projects underway with high strategic value. The RTO holds 181 patents and 8 technology spin-offs generating 14,6 M€ in turnover. We offer world-leading laboratory and test facilities in a wide range of technological fields. Our more than 20 exclusive advanced laboratories include the largest plastic processing plant in Southern Europe.

Eurecat is recognized as a KET Technology Centre by the European Commission for its strong collaboration with SMEs on close-to-market research and innovation activities, offering the most cutting-edge technologies to boost their competiveness in a fast-paced environment.

Our multidisciplinary technological-scientific capacities in the digital, industrial, sustainability and biotechnology field and our market-oriented approach enables us to contribute in a wide range of applied research projects. Inside of the above technology areas there are 21 technology units. At GIANCE Functional printing and embedded devices Unit and Polymers and Composites processes Unit are contributing to its execution.

Eurecat counts with a specialized team of professionals with a broad experience in publicly funded R+D projects, from proposal preparation to project coordination and administrative management. More than 35 projects have been led inside H2020 and Horizon Europe by Eurecat and we collaborate with 544 organizations worldwide.